Beautiful landscaping simplified





Our company is dedicated to finding simple and cost effective ways to beautify your property and make your outdoor living spaces more functional. As all of our products are pre-designed, you can decorate your property on your terms by selecting the landscape features that best suit your budget, taste, and style.

With EZSCAPE you never have to worry about inaccurate and/or late estimates, or late work. Simply call us and we will meet you on site, tell you exactly how much the work you want done will cost, and by what date it will be completed. All on the first visit.

Once you are ready to proceed, we will present you with an easy to read contract that clearly indicates a locked in price, a completion date for your project, and as well the included guarantee of one year for plant materials and three years for hardscape features (labour and materials).

5430 Royalmount Avenue, Montreal, Qc H4P 1H7